"I was about to throw my computer out the window" 😓 💻

Towards the end of the Queen Bee Hive session last week, one of the members confessed that she was in deep distress around a website glitch that she couldn't figure out.

Half jokingly, but also half serious, she said, "I was about to throw my computer out the window!"

We only had about ten minutes left on the call and I knew we weren't gonna be able to knock it out right then and there...so I asked her to let me go in and play around on my own to try and figure it out.

She trusted me enough to say yes, gave me permission to do so, and I got to work a few days later. Once I pinpointed the issue, I got her on a private Zoom to show her what I had done and how to prevent issues in the future.

The frustration cleared up, relief settled in, and her ability to move forward is now restored. Don't you love going from tech glitch to tech fix? 

And look, I don't pretend to be an expert in everything, but if something is urgent and I think I can help, I'm your 'get-in-the-trenches' girl.

That's because the Queen Bee Hive is not a course and it's not just a community (although you get both those things when you sign up).

It's an intimate, fully supportive, and in-depth container to help you make more money and magic doing what you love no matter what stage of business you're in. 

Plus, because it's a smaller group, not a sea of heads on Zoom, I have the bandwidth to be one of your business besties and ride-or-dies, holla!

Leaving people hanging with problems or issues until the next session? Not my style, which means that I give additional support in our WhatsApp chat or in extreme cases, get on a Zoom with you to troubleshoot.

Can't afford my one-on-one packages? This is the next best thing: a group coaching program where you get high-level, highly personalized guidance from someone who has been there, done that.

Feeling alone in business? It doesn't have to be that way and the Queen Bee Hive might be the perfect fit for you.

So if you wanna join the fun, click here to enroll and I'll see you on the inside 

All my love,


P.s. When you sign up for the Queen Bee Hive, you also get access to a limited-time bonus: the Queen Bee Retreat happening in May!

This bonus disappears soon though and is only open to past or current group coaching members so if you wanna join me and a crew of spiritual queens in business in-person, get yourself in the Queen Bee Hive now.

If you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad we’re connected! Just so you know, I send weekly blogs like this to my email list and sometimes don’t post it up on my website until awhile after. If you don’t wanna miss a thing, click here to sign up for that inbox party! There’s a few free welcome gifts on the inside :)